
Questions? Call 603.645.1449 or visit us.

Spider-Bite Body Piercing is not a medical establishment and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, as to the result of our body piercings or the customer(s) satisfaction.

Click here to be directed to the Association of Professional Piercers suggested aftercare section.

Open daily for walk-ins!

12pm – 8pm

Guidelines for healing your new piercing

There is no single cleaning solution or aftercare routine that works for everyone. While everyone is different in their day-to-day lifestyles and differing climates, this calls for different and specific aftercare per person. You will find what works for you with the help of your piercer.

New piercings should be cleaned daily for the entire healing period. Do not overclean your piercing. Cleaning too often with a harsh solution, or with many different solutions can irritate your piercing. Your immune system is working to heal the piercing, you just need to provide a clean and dry environment so your body can do its job. Let your body be your “main aftercare.”

It is normal for healing piercings to discharge lymph, blood and blood plasma which will appear in the form of “crusties.” The purpose of cleaning your piercing is to remove this discharge as well as any debris collected throughout the day. Saltwater and/or saline solutions should be used, but it is ultimately the act of flushing the wound that helps healing, not the saline itself, though saline is isotonic to your own PH levels so it is the safest and most gentle product to date.

Soaps can be used to further remove debris and dirt, and should be lathered around your piercing and then thoroughly rinse. Soap use varies person to person, so after speaking with your piercer, they will help you decide if adding this additional step could be beneficial for you.

Listen to YOUR body

If something is uncomfortable as far as what you wear, what activity you are engaged in, etc… listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Make modifications where need be.

Below you will find suggestions and recommendations provided to you from the experience of piercers alike over the years.

Use a Sterile Saline Spray

Spray the saline solution over the piercing to thoroughly irrigate the area. Your jewelry does not need to be rotated.

DO NOT use q-tips, cotton balls or tissues to apply the saline.

It is essential to thoroughly irrigate the piercing to clean it effectively. Allowing the saline to absorb and dry into the piercing itself is what will prove most beneficial. You can rinse excess away with clean water.

A popular brand of sterile saline spray in which we carry is NeilMed® Wound Wash. Saline for cleaning contact lenses is not recommended. If you are unable to return to the shop due to location for a refill, this brand can be found at any first aid section of most pharmacies and larger stores such as Walmart or Target.

Saline info - Spider Bite Body Piercing Manchester NH

Mild LIQUID Soap

While saline rinses may aid in the healing of most piercings, soap effectively removes the residue of sweat, dirt, cosmetics and natural discharge that remains after saline rinse. We suggest using a natural, fragrance free and dye-free soap such as Dr Bronner’s Baby, which will be available at the shop and even most pharmacies and grocery stores. Do avoid harsh antibacterial soaps, as these can dry your piercing out and kill off healthy white blood cells trying to do their job efficiently.

Be sure to always use liquid soap, as bar soap can collect bacteria and contaminants, therefore entering into your piercing.

Wash your hands thoroughly, then lather the soap in your fingers before gently lathering the piercing and surrounding skin. DO NOT rotate, spin or move the jewelry, as this will irritate the piercing and dislodge any healing tissue.

Thoroughly clean the piercing and jewelry, making sure to remove any discharge on the jewelry, then rinse.

Warm Sea Salt Soaks

We recommend warm sea salt soaks in cases of more irritated piercings. Where saline spray is great for a happy, healing piercing, sea salt soaks can go one step further. The warmth and time submerged is a huge benefit for getting deep down to the roots of the piercing. They are also great for blood circulation, cell regeneration, and overall soothing.

Create a soaking solution by mixing sea salt and distilled water/boiled water that is allowed to cool. Use pure sea salt (non-iodized)… NOT table salt (which contains extra chemicals that can burn and irritate your piercing).

When buying salt, read the label: it should contain only salt (sodium chloride). Rule of thumb, one ingredient. Do not use Epsom salts, as this is a completely different chemical compound.

Make sure that your salt-to-water ratio is correct. A stronger or weaker solution is not better and may actually harm your piercing.


Mix according to the table below (use measuring spoons and cups for accuracy):

Sea Salt Water
1/4 teaspoon 1 cup (8oz)
1 teaspoon 1 quart (32 oz)
4 teaspoons 1 gallon

To Use

Fill a small glass with the solution and warm (you can heat it in the microwave.)

Take the solution in the glass and press it against your skin to form a seal and hold it over your piercing for 5-15 minutes or until the water cools. For piercings like nostrils, ears, nipples and penis piercings, the entire body part should be submerged in the solution.

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE Rubbing Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Antibiotic Ointments, Bactine and Ear Piercing Solutions, Q-tips and/or Cotton Balls. 

Oral Piercing Care

For oral piercings, rinse your mouth

When healing any oral piercing, rinse your mouth with clean bottled water after eating, drinking, or smoking. Mouthwash is not always recommended, even if it is alcohol-free, as overuse can prolong healing as well as further induce inflammation. Your piercer will discuss with you whether or not a mouthwash would be necessary based on you.

Expect a fair amount of swelling. THIS IS NORMAL. Oral piercings have a tendency to swell more than other areas of the body. Expect the majority for the first three to five days, but it is not uncommon for swelling to be present for several weeks. Ice can reduce swelling and be soothing. Freezing bottled water and sipping it throughout the day as it melts is extremely beneficial!

Avoiding anything harsh like alcohol, spicy foods, hot temperatures, acidic and salty foods as these will also induce and hurt your piercing. Avoid straws or anything that can form a suction.

Even if you are monogamous, avoid ANY and all bodily fluids until your piercing is healed. Bacterial infections are common if this is not avoided.

Genital Piercings

Take a short break from sex if need be. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If it hurts, don’t do it. Sexual activity is not out of the question during the healing process, but a break can help heal faster. If you have sex during this time be mindful of fluid-safe sex, even if you are in a monogamous relationship. Use protection. Not using protection is a sure way of picking up an infection. Be sure to clean your piercing immediately afterward.

Bruising and excess bleeding is very normal in most genital piercings. 3-5 days is not uncommon, and if bleeding continues, see your Piercer where they can make jewelry adjustments where need be. Wrapping the piercing in clean non-stick gauze and using pads and liners are great tools to reduce bleeding and protect the piercing.

Tighter clothing like boxer briefs are recommended for more comfort and help with keeping everything secure and from as little movement as possible.

Infections vs. Irritations

Irritations are most commonly confused with the term usage of infections. Bacteria, viruses and other foreign contaminants can be the main cause of developing an infection. You will usually know if your piercing becomes infected if the surrounding tissue becomes red, painful, swollen and warm to the touch. You may also notice thick discharge that is of much darker greens and reds and has a bad odor.

Healing piercings will normally secrete a white or pale yellow liquid during healing. This is not a sign of infection. A stinky white substance (sebum) from your oil glands can also collect on your piercings. This is normal too and comes off easily in cleaning. If your discharge is light in color and not accompanied by pain, excess redness and inflammation or heat, it is most likely on the right track.

Of course, if there is ever a concern that your piercing may be infected, or on it’s way, PLEASE visit your piercer to closer assess the situation so they can troubleshoot and recommend you to a Physician. It is NOT recommended to remove your piercing if you are worried about an infection, as this will trap any contaminants in the wound as it seals. The area is best treated if there is an open tract to discharge. This can lead to further complications such as abscesses and cellulitis. In the cases of infections, believe it or not, your piercing does not need to be lost.

Irritations can appear in a variety of different appearances. They are often caused by trauma to the area such; as sleeping on it, bumping, snagging, moving the jewelry, pressure, etc. Your piercing may appear slightly more red and tender than usual. Commonly, little “irritation bumps,” or hypertrophic scars are formed. These look like small, pimple-like bumps. These DO GO AWAY as long as the source of trauma is eliminated.

Your body WILL heal itself. See your piercer if you are concerned about an irritation so they can troubleshoot proper treatment. In many cases, a jewelry change to either a longer or shorter post will be necessary.


Avoid submerging the piercing in unhygienic sitting bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, pools, hot tubs, etc.

We recommend staying out of the water for the entirety of your healing process. Failing to do so can lead to infections.

Healing Times

Below are approximate healing times for healthy piercings—for most people. Your piercing may heal more quickly or take even longer. Continue suggested aftercare for at least the amount of time listed below for your piercing.

Many piercings use a longer post (or larger diameter ring) for the initial healing than what will be ultimately worn in the piercing when it is healed. For these piercings, the jewelry should often be downsized before the end of the healing period. This is especially true with oral piercings and most ear and nose piercings. For more information, see the Downsizing section on this page.

Location Healing Range
Ear Lobes 2 – 3 months
Ear Cartilage 6 months – 1 year
Eyebrow 3 – 4 months
Nostril 6 – 8 months
Septum 6 – 8 weeks
Bridge 3 – 5 months
Nipples 6 – 8 months
Navel 6 – 8 months
Tongue 4 – 6 weeks
Cheek 1+ year
Surface Piercings 1+ year
Surface Anchors 3 – 5+ months
Lip 2 – 3 months
Labaret 2 – 3 months
Beauty Mark 2 – 3 months
Philtrum 2 – 3 months
Genital(s) See Below

For all Genital recommended healing times, please email, call, or visit the shop as these differ tremendously based on location and person.


You should expect some swelling during the initial healing process with most piercings, so the initial jewelry that is used will be longer. It is vital to downsize the length once the inflammation process has gone down. Recommended downsizing times will be provided to you at the day of your initial piercing.

Failing and ignoring to downsize your piercing within the recommended timeframe can lead to migration, rejection, and delay in healing.

Ultimately, we want to get your jewelry as fit as possible. This will also reduce any snagging or discomfort for the remainder of your healing process. In some cases, multiple downsizes will be necessary.

Downsizing info - Spider Bite Body Piercing Manchester NH

What is Normal / Helpful Hints / What to Do

Initially, some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, or bruising is to be expected.

During healing, expect some discoloration, itching, and secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid that will form some crust on the jewelry. The tissue may tighten around the jewelry as it heals, which is completely normal. The jewelry may not move freely in the piercing; do not force it, as this will dislodge any healing tissue and cause irritations and delayed healing.

Because tissue heals from the outside in, your piercing may seem “healed” much sooner than the healing times provided to you. Although it feels fine, the interior remains fragile. Be patient, and keep cleaning throughout the entire healing period.

Even healed piercings can shrink or close in minutes after having been there for years! This varies from person to person; if you like your piercing, keep jewelry in—do not leave it empty.

Stay healthy; the healthier your lifestyle, the easier it will be for your piercing to heal. Get enough sleep and eat a nutritious diet. Exercise during healing is fine; listen to your body.

Make sure your bedding is washed and changed regularly. Wear clean, comfortable, breathable clothing that protects your piercing while you are sleeping.

Showers are safe for your piercing. As long as you are not scrubbing and cleaning your piercing with your daily soaps, your piercing will not be affected.

Avoid over-cleaning. This can delay your healing and irritate your piercing.

Avoid all oral contact, rough play, and contact with others’ bodily fluids on or near your piercing during healing.

Avoid stress and recreational drug use, including excessive caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

Avoid all beauty and personal care products on or around the piercing including cosmetics, lotions, and sprays, etc.


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Photo of jewelry - Spider Bite Body Piercing Manchester NH
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Photo of jewelry - Spider Bite Body Piercing Manchester NH
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Guest Piercer!

Parker Carpenter
March 20 – 28, 2025

Safety + comfort is our top priority.

Our professional staff of piercers uses state of the art sterilization practices for all services.

As part of our commitment to keeping you safe, all our piercers take annual classes on blood-borne pathogens and continuing education.

Our team focuses on education and stays up to date with the latest standards of the Association of Professional Piercers.

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